Moonlight gives back.
Sprinkling support throughout our community.
When we founded Moonlight Creamery in 2007, one of our goals was to show businesses can do well by doing good.. We consider all charitable donation requests to Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organizations that align with our mission statement, with preference given to non-profit groups that support education and youth asset building initiatives that directly strengthen our community.
In any given year, we receive hundreds of requests for donations highlighting the increasing needs of so many worthy causes. To better manage these requests, we have implemented a Moonlight Creamery Donation Program to address the growing need. To participate, you must be a registered Decadence Club member. This is one way we choose to give back to those who regularly support Moonlight Creamery.
Confirm your organization’s eligibility based on the criteria listed.
Complete the online donation request form, then submit and print it out.
Drop off the completed form in person at Moonlight Creamery at least four weeks prior to your event. This allows us to “put a face” to the organization and make our community outreach personal. Requests submitted via email or regular mail will not be considered.
Selected recipients will be notified via email within two weeks of dropping off their request. If you have not heard after two weeks, you may click here to contact us. We believe in supporting those who support us and for this reason, the only donation requests we will consider are from Decadence Club members. We unfortunately are not able to support every worthwhile cause with a donation. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we do not respond to requests we are unable to grant. If denied, please consider one of the alternative approaches to fundraising that Moonlight Creamery provides to non-profit organizations.

We do not accept mailed, e-mailed or faxed donation request forms. Any donation request forms submitted in this manner will not be considered.
We do not mail or deliver donated items. All items must be arranged for pick-up at Moonlight Creamery. Once you receive an email confirmation, your donation is ready for pick up!
We do not support third party or individual fundraisers.
Requestor must be a registered Moonlight Creamery Decadence member.
The organization must be a Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization. Consistent with our mission, we target our donations to local Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organizations focused on education, youth asset building, children’s basic needs, veteran’s outreach and sustainable agriculture working on initiatives that directly strengthen our community. Other Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organizations may be considered based on alignment with our mission and other considerations (eg requestor’s past support of Moonlight Creamery, etc.). Organizations that limit membership based on race, religion, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age or national origin will not be considered, nor will labor or political organizations or fraternal, athletic, or social clubs.
The organization must have not received a donation in the prior 12 months from Moonlight Creamery.
Have Questions? Click here to view our FAQ's