You've got questions. We've got answers.
Q & A
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
Moonlight Creamery is located at 36 West Avenue, Fairport, NY, bordering Kennelley Park near the Erie Canal.
How many guests can you accommodate at a party in your store?
The maximum number of guests we can accommodate at a party is 50 with maximum seating for 24.
Do you serve any food other than desserts?
Working with an executive chef, we are able to cater upscale hors d’oeuvres to complement our selection of decadent pastries and ice creams. We also have a full line of fair trade, organic coffees and teas and other beverages.
Can I close down the store to throw a party?
Absolutely! Pricing will vary depending on the desired date, time and duration of the party.
Field Trips
How much do the field trips cost?
Please email sales@moonlightcreamery.com for the latest pricing. This is a subsidized cost available only to public and private school groups and licensed home school groups.
Field Trips
How long does a field trip last?
Our Behind the Scenes Field Trips last approximately one hour.
Field Trips
When can a field trip be booked?
Our Behind the Scenes Field Trips are available all week throughout the year, though there are some times that are better than others depending on the time of the year. We limit the number of field trips to two per day, and eight per month. Available times are booked on a first-come, first served basis. We do not host field trips during the summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day).
Field Trips
How many students can be accommodated on a field trip?
We can accommodate groups as large as 25 students. We require a minimum of 8 students for Behind the Scenes Field Trips. Larger groups can be accommodated by booking field trips back to back.
Field Trips
What ages are best for field trips?
Our Behind the Scenes Field Trips are appropriate for ages 5 and up. Simplified field trips are available for pre-school groups and more in depth field trips are available for children up to 13 years of age.
Decadence Club
How do I know what my points balance is?
You can check your balance right at the register after you enter your phone number. Or simply ask the server to look it up. They love to help!
Decadence Club
The Decadence Club sounds amazing! What’s the fine print?
Like with most good things in life, the Decadence Club has a few (not many!) rules and restrictions.
By signing up to the Decadence Club, you agree to comply with all program rules and policies.
Your Decadence award is based on the number of stars you have accumulated. Save them up for bigger rewards!
Points are earned for each dollar spent (excluding tax and gratuity), rounded down to the nearest whole dollar. Points are not given for Moonlight Creamery Gift Card purchases. Points and reward dollars may not be redeemed for cash. Points are non-transferable. Points may not be combined from different cards. We cannot retroactively award points, so please make sure you identify yourself as a Decadence Club member at the time of purchase. Certain restrictions may apply (we're not sure what restrictions this refers to, but it seems like this is always in the "fine print" of these types of offers!).
The Decadence Club is for individual customers only. Points may not be credited to business entities or for corporate purchases.
Moonlight Creamery reserves the right to make changes in the rules or benefits, audit or cancel your account, or terminate the program at any time without advance notice. We doubt we will, but, hey, you never know.
Decadence Club
Can I get credit for a past purchase?
Decadence points can only be awarded at the time of purchase and cannot be awarded for past purchases.
Decadence Club
If I give you my contact information, will you keep it safe?
Moonlight Creamery respects your privacy and will not sell, share, post, broadcast, or otherwise distribute the information you provide on your Decadence Club application to any third party for any reason or at any time. Ever.